Sun, 10 October 2021
Spooktober continues with IITSL (because these days we are *all* Heather in the woods sobbing "It's not the same log!" over and over again but... I gotta tell ya... it *is*) and a new episode that is genuinely one of my (Jack's) favourite things I've ever done, a conversation with the same team as last time (Elliot Chapman and George Daniel Lea) about the classic 1972 Nigel Kneale TV ghost story The Stone Tape, the terrifying and multi-dimensional masterpiece of the BBC gothic. Spoilers and content warnings Whole show on YouTube: @_Jack_Graham_ @E11iotChapman @EnigmaticElegy / /
Direct download: The_Stone_Tape_1972_with_George_Daniel_Lea_and_Elliot_Chapman.mp3
Category:It IS The Same Log -- posted at: 10:44am UTC