Tue, 23 March 2021
The year of Pex Lives continues! This month: Resurrection of the Daleks.
Mon, 3 September 2018
Your Pex Lives friends are back with a hot new joint to reaffirm who are the hottest on the mic in town. They talk Elvis, weddings, state of the podcast, and Snakedance.
Mon, 26 February 2018
Your friends Kevin and James are here to talk about the classic Peter Davison serial Kinda, Twice Upon A Time, and some other stuff too!
Tue, 1 December 2015
Kevin and James chat the new series, the horrible fucking state of the world, John Carpenter, and Black Orchid.
Mon, 22 December 2014
In a madly rare illusion of prolificacy, welcome to the third episode of Pex Lives for the month of December. Earthshock. We also talk about the torture report, the state, Ferguson and more.
Sun, 2 March 2014
James and Kevin take a conversational journey through the 1984 serial once voted the best Doctor Who of all time which doubled as Peter Davison’s swansong. How will they rate it? Listen & find out!
Direct download: pex_lives_08_the_caves_of_androzani.mp3
Category:Fifth Doctor -- posted at: 12:00pm UTC