Sat, 21 August 2021
Kevin and James talk the 1965 artifacts the Rescue, Bringing It All Back Home, & Highway 61 Revisited
Direct download: Video-20210821_151632-Meeting_Recording.mp3
Category:First Doctor -- posted at: 10:30pm UTC
Sat, 19 June 2021
Kevin and James have a great time saying "chumblies" to one another and then get into a deep dive in the second part of their subseries about Bob Dylan's albums, covering The Times They Are A-Changin' and Another Side of Bob Dylan.
Sat, 13 February 2021
Kevin and James shoot the breeze and talk about the third Dr. Who serial.
Sun, 23 February 2020
Kevin n James are back with their 50th episode!
Sun, 29 December 2019
Kevin and James get their literature on.
Sun, 20 January 2019
James and Kevin catch up on mic for a short while and you get to listen.
Thu, 2 February 2017
With an ailing Pex Lives crew, battling the elements, the general and precipitous downward spiral of what has laughingly been called the civilised world, uncooperative technology, and a pair of immune systems that have crapped out just when we needed them most, we have lashed ourselves to the wheel and sailed on into the raging storm of knackered nautical cliches. Kevin had to phone in his contribution because his laptop wouldn't connect to the internet so the sound quality isn't what we like it to be, but it is still listenable. We also went considerably shorter than we usually do. Shortening it further, hundreds of consumptive sounding coughs were edited out from the file, but some have slipped through. For all that as a disclaimer, we stand by this as something worth your time. It's probably the most-Doctor Who focused thing we've ever done, if that's what you like. Here we talk about William Hartnell's swansong as the Doctor and a little about the news that Peter Capaldi is leaving the revived show this year. Enjoy!
Sat, 9 July 2016
Welcome to your Pex Lives. In this episode, Kevin and James talk about then-current events, the First Doctor serial the Crusade, and three more classic westerns. Those movies were: Shane (1953) Johnny Guitar (1954) The Searchers (1956)
Mon, 23 May 2016
Kevin & James kick off their Western series with a chat about the Gunfighters, a Dr. Who serial from '66. Before that, they have a great conversation about three Gary Cooper films. High Noon (1952) Man of the West (1958) The Hanging Tree (1959)
Wed, 3 February 2016
Kevin and James talk to Oi Spaceman's Daniel Harper about the last three episodes of An Unearthly Child and The Face of Evil.
Direct download: face_of_evil_tribe_of_gum_pex_lives.mp3
Category:First Doctor -- posted at: 1:02pm UTC
Mon, 12 October 2015
Crack yourself open a can of classic Pex Lives, with Kevin and James talking about the month long horror movie marathon that is their Halloween tradition, how they feel about the latest episodes (they don't), and the mind boggling serial from 1965, the Chase.
Sat, 13 September 2014
Pex Lives returns with its first ever on-air guest! @HitlerPuncher joined us to talk about the Web Planet and much more. This is our first episode on since the new season of Doctor Who has started airing and we share our thoughts on Peter Capaldi's episodes. Get stuck into... the Web Planet! Theme music:I Have Never Watched Doctor Who - Adam Warrock Interlude: Human Fly - The Cramps
Tue, 12 August 2014
![]() James and Kevin are back from an unexpected break as we crossed over our one year anniversary and have gone back to basics with the classic First Doctor serial, The Sensorites. Did they love it, hate it or find it totally unnecessary? Listen and find out!
Sun, 8 September 2013
Episode 2 of the fabulous Pex Lives podcast is live and waiting for you to hear it. The guys had a great, freewheeling conversation about The Space Museum that touches on all sorts of issues. Namechecks to Tolstoy, H.G. Wells, Bob Dylan, The Beatles and The Who, and lots of meaty discussion of colonialism and revolution. So, if you haven’t ever seen The Space Museum, don’t get left behind. Next month: The Krotons!
Sun, 4 August 2013
Welcome, traveller! This is the first ever episode of the monthly Pex Lives, a podcast about Doctor Who. Meet Kevin and James, your hosts through this pilot episode about a pilot episode. Apologies for the audio issues on James’ end this time: rest assured next month’s episode will be practically perfect in every way. September’s show will be about the Space Museum, for those following along at home. Enjoy!
Direct download: pex_lives_01_an_unearthly_child.mp3
Category:First Doctor -- posted at: 12:00pm UTC